Python Fancy Facts (2012)
An asyncronous spacetime tralve through metaclasses, iterators, and antigravity.
FoxGame: an introduction to Machine Learning (2010)
A naïve introduction to neural networks, fuzzy logic, and reinforcement learning, from the perspective of a game entirely developed in python. Source code available under GPL2.
Reti Neurali Artificiali (2009)
A shameful, silly overview of backward-propagation artificial neural networks, from back when I was in my worst teens.
Lecture Notes @ unitn:
Algebraic Geometry I (In progress)
Master course Riemann Surfaces and Algebraic Curves. Notes in italian.
Advanced Coding II (In progress)
Lectures focused on elliptic curves. Notes in italian.
Finite Fields and Symmetric Cryptography (In progress)
Master course on Algebra over Finite Fields, Boolean Functions, and a little bit of differential crypto.